‘Tis the season to be… Safe. Fa la la la la

Every January, they either publish statistics in the newspapers or highlight them on radio about crimes and deaths over the festive period.

Probably the best advice is not to become a plus one on one those new year statistics. And here’s how…

Don’t drink and drive. Easier said than done with all of the parties, occasions and general festivities going on but it is a pretty stupid thing to do. Imagine getting locked-up for Christmas? The overall police presence has increased substantially and road-blocks are a big reality. Imagine killing your best friend and you survive the car crash? Alcohol really does reduce your driving ability contrary to what you might believe. “Just one more” might just be your last.

With lots of people going away and properties lying vacant burglaries naturally do increase. Lock your doors and turn on alarms at night. Keep security gates locked during the day and be aware. A simple task which might save you from an encounter with an intruder.

Stay and walk in groups. In the animal world, a fantastic technique for staying alive is strength in numbers. So why  not mimic antelope and stay together? Walk home together, go out together and have more fun together. It is harder for an assailant to harass three or four people than one. In the same breath, keep vigilant at all times and look for oddities which might land up being a threat.

Remain in well lit public areas. Walking alone through a dark park wearing a skimpy dress wouldn’t be the best of ideas at the best of times, so try and avoid attracting unnecessary attention. Go to places which have security and are full of like minded people. Be safe, not sorry.

On the other side of the coin it is a time to enjoy, rest and take a break from your studies. To recharge, to rejuvenate and to spend quality time with family, friends and with yourself.

2017 is just around the corner and at RENT360, we wish you a very merry festive season and new year. With so much to look forward to and experience together next year!